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Digital Fabrication + Traditional Craft + Algorithms Aided Design

Here's the asset:
An EEG collects in data form the brain waves of the artisan while he's doing his craft. At the same time, an algorithm is using this data as inputs to drive a from-finding process. All the generated shapes are stored and ready to be 3d printed.

About wisdom in crafts: Aristotle distinguishes between Téchne (scientific knowledge-based) and Mêtis (context driven experiential knowledge-based), they are not the same but are intimately intertwined. In the same way, digital and traditional fabrication not only can coexist but can work together and add value to one another.


Experiment took on 10/08/19 and presented for the first time the 24/02/20 as part of my PhD research.

Thanks to all the people involved in this for their precious help.
Artisan: Maestro Allegrini [Pots Rome]
EEG: Neurosky
AAD: Grasshopper 3d + BCIconnect [Meedarch]
Fablab: Poliba & A. Graziano 
3d printing: clay with 3D Wasp 7020

There is no neuroscience breakthrough involved here, it's used merely as an instrument.
For me it was more of a philosophical and ethical question.

Last picture is me at Human Ergonomics lab in Chiba University, following the white rabbit down the hole. 

©2021 - Alex Coppola

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